Adult Classes & Workshops
Develop your creative skills in a single day or over a few weeks. Find daytime, evening, and weekend classes and workshops.
Karori Arts & Crafts Members enjoy a 20% discount on classes and workshops.
Term 1 Classes 2025
Our tutors
Our tutors are experienced in teaching adults at various skill levels. Many are professional artists and makers who regularly sell their work. They are all passionate about their chosen art form and provide plenty of positive feedback to encourage you in your creative journey.
Our facilities
We meet in the Newman Building, named in honour of Dorothy and Stanley Newman whose generous bequest enabled a space to be built for our diverse community to develop and practise their creativity. The rooms are comfortable, well equipped and warm in winter and are easily accessible with a wheelchair ramp and lift to the upper floors.
We have a fully equipped kitchen with a continuous hot water zip, microwave, fridge and oven. Tea, coffee and milk are provided for the use of all visitors, and many groups develop a roster for morning or afternoon tea during their classes or sessions.
We have painting easels, water jars and spare palettes as well as dryers for the painters. Two printing presses and a book press for print and bookmakers. For the fibre artists, quilters and sewers we have ironing boards, irons, cutting mats/tables and rulers, as well as looms, tapestry frames and spinning wheels. We also have a projector and laptop that can be booked by any group for use on the premises.
There is an extensive library upstairs in Room 4 from which members can borrow books for a month at a time.
Contact Us
© Karori Arts and Crafts Society Inc, 2018