Who We Are
We promote and encourage creativity across a wide variety of arts and crafts
We've been fostering creativity since 1966
In the early years, classes and groups met in church halls or each other's homes to share their common interests and for companionship. Then in 1993, the Newman Centre was built as the result of the generosity of Dorothy and Stanley Newman. This purpose built facility is warm, roomy and has good light for arts and crafts of all types.
We are a community based not-for-profit
We are a not-for-profit charitable organisation, based in Wellington's western suburbs. Members elect a committee to oversee our activities that are run by our Centre Manager on a day-to-day basis.
We support like-minded creative groups such as Watercolour New Zealand, Wellington Quilters Guild and Wellington Embroidery Guild, Portrait Club and Karori Camera Club especially with venue hire for their activities.
How we help support arts and crafts based charities in our community
Contact Us
© Karori Arts and Crafts Society Inc, 2018